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Level 2 - Basic Skills

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Cost per person - £300 (2 or more students) £400 (solo course)


On completion of this course, the successful sailor will be safety conscious, have a  basic knowledge of sailing and be capable of sailing without an instructor on board in  light winds. It will be assumed that every student starting this course has already  mastered the practical skills and absorbed the background knowledge required for  Level 1, Start Sailing. Both courses can be combined. Tuition will be given by trained  instructors, using appropriate supervision ratios. The students' knowledge and ability  will be assessed on a continuous basis, though an oral interview may be used as the  basis for theory assessment if required. We aim to keep clients informed of their  individual progress throughout the course. The two-day course will usually be split into  4 distinctive parts. 


  • ➢ Initial conversation to establish sailing experience and knowledge.

  • ➢ Safety brief, clothing, life jacket use. 

  • ➢ Introduction to the boat, general controls tiller, sheets, halyards, lifting keel,  engine and engine checks Generally kept to a minimum as most are best  introduced as being used. 

  • ➢ Introduction afloat of the 5 essentials Course made good, Trim, Balance, Sail  setting. Practical session discussing  each in turn. 

  • ➢ Introduction to engine including checks, starting, stopping and running  procedures. Demo and client practice of picking up a mooring. 

  • ➢ Theory.


  • ➢ Aim, to build upon confidence, knowledge and skills learnt from session 1.

  • ➢ Points of sailing and the No Go Zone. 

  • ➢ Continuation of practice of 5 essentials. 

  • ➢ Introduction of reefing system and why it maybe needed.  

  • ➢ Coming alongside a moored boat. 

  • ➢ Debrief and discuss areas of success and identify areas to be improved upon. Finish session on a positive. 

  • ➢ Theory. 


  • ➢ Aim build upon confidence, knowledge and skills learnt from sessions 1 & 2.

  • ➢ Continue with the practical improvement of the application of the 5 essentials.

  • ➢ Jetty landings and picking up mooring practice. 

  • ➢ Man overboard recovery demo and practice. 

  • ➢ Theory. 


  • ➢ Aim to build upon confidence, knowledge and skills learnt from sessions 1, 2 &  3. 

  • ➢ Triangular course set and clients take turns to take helm and sail around the  course minimal instruction should be required if any. 

  • ➢ Theory is introduced as it becomes relevant to each particular part of the course  being delivered. Any sections of theory that have not been covered should be  discussed here.  

  • ➢ Final debrief, ensure log books are filled in correctly and appropriate certificates  issued plan of action on where to go next.


  • ➢ Potential recap of theory from level 1. 

  • ➢ Ropework: Knots from level 1 & Bowline, Clove Hitch, Reef Knot & Rolling  Hitch. 

  • ➢ Points of sail and the No Go Zone. 

  • ➢ How a sail works – Basic Aerodynamic Theory. 

  • ➢ Sea sailing – basic advice to inland sailors, taking local advice. Tide tables, tidal  sequence of springs and neaps, ebb and flow. 

  • ➢ The effect of wind direction and tidal flow on sailing conditions. ➢ Speed over ground with/against tidal flow. 

  • ➢ Estuaries and harbour mouths – conditions and hazards. 

  • ➢ Informing someone ashore. 

  • ➢ Inland sailing – basic advice including local bylaws, permits, overhead power  lines, locks and weirs. 

  • ➢ The dangers of hypothermia and the importance of first aid training particularly  cardio pulmonary resuscitation. 

  • ➢ The importance of first aid kit. Visual methods of attracting attention, action to  help those in distress. 

  • ➢ Sources of weather and shipping forecasts, when to reef. Understand the  Beaufort Wind Scale. 

  • ➢ Rules of the road power v sail, port v starboard, windward boat and overtaking  boat. 

  • ➢ Aware of lee shore dangers, sailing in close company with others and man  overboard recovery. 

  • ➢ Knows importance of personal safety, clothing and buoyancy, boat buoyancy  and basic equipment, i.e. bilge pump.

Level 2
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