RYA Seamanship
Cost per person - £300 (2 or more students) £400 (solo course)
Part of the advanced syllabus, seamanship skills concerns boat handling skills, in all conditions, and sailing in a seamanship like manner.
Section A - Practical
Tie fishermans bend, rolling hitch and sheet bend
Sailing Techniques and Manoeuvres
Heave to
Reef afloat
Recover man overboard
Be towed by a power vessel
Anchor using techniques for different circumstances
Sail backwards
Section B - Theory
Terminology - windward,leeward, abeam, forward,aft, ahead,astern, to weather, downwind, amidships, quarter, pinching, sailing by the lee, luffing, bear away, planing, sternway, broaching
Knows and can apply International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea - meeting other sailing vessels, meeting power vessels, following or crossing narrow channels, action by stand on vessel.
Meteorology - know sources of information, can interpret information, aware of changing conditions and fog.
Keelboat - understand overhead clearance and use of slings. Use and check of slipway